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Searching for the right home care service can feel overwhelming. Beyond sorting through dozens of options, you likely have lots of questions about what home care entails. Fortunately, Bidets Care offers in-home care to patients and families across the United States. We can answer all your questions about getting the best quality care from skilled compassionate providers. Take a look at our home care Frequently Asked Questions, our Home Care Guide or reach out to a local B Care agency with specific inquiries.

Let’s start with understanding the basic definition of home health care. Home Health Care refers to a wide range of health-related services provided in the comfort of a patient’s own home. Nursing services and therapy are just two examples of what may be offered skilled in-home. Seniors most often take advantage of home health care, but it may also be offered to people recovering from an illness or injury. These services are meant to help individuals regain their independence, maintain their current level of function, and slow disease progression. Bidets Care is glad to offer the following home health care services: 

Although they sound quite similar, home care is different from home health care. This type of care includes things like companion and personal care and offers people extra help without sacrificing their independence. Home care may encompass physical tasks like bathing, dressing and grooming, as well as medication reminders and light meal preparation. Our specific services include: 

10 Things You Didn't Know About Home Care

If you’ve never watched a loved one transition to receiving home care you may not know what to expect from this set of services. What’s more, you may not know what you don’t know. So, here are ten things you may not have realized about home care in the U.S.:

1. Home Care Connects Patients and Doctors

You can think of home care as a bridge between doctors and their patients. Home care professionals typically have some medical training and can communicate a client's needs to physicians and specialists. In certain cases, home care providers have nursing degrees and other formal medical certifications. When you entrust Bidets with a loved one’s care, you get access to a nurse that oversees their entire care plan. Home health aides relay crucial information to nurses, who can then adjust the care plan as needed.

2. Home Care Reduces Costs

Unfortunately, many seniors find themselves in the hospital more often than they would like. When they notice sudden changes in their loved one’s condition, family caregivers' first instinct is to head to the emergency room. This instinct is correct—it's always better to be safe than sorry! But when you have the benefit of a home care provider, they can take measures to reduce hospital admissions and the associated costs. In fact, a recent study conducted by the National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) and The Cleveland Clinic determined that the use of home care services following inpatient care “decreased the hazard of follow-up hospital readmission and death,” and saved Medicare nearly $6500 per patient over the course of a year.

3. Home Care May Improve Mental Health

When we think about aging, we often picture the physical effects. However, there are just as many mental and emotional concerns. Choosing home care means seniors have access to an educated professional who can understand their needs and provide emotional support.

4. Respite Care Available to Family Caregivers

Many home care providers offer respite care. This service entails short-term care that allows family caregivers to take a needed break. Home care does not have to be a long-term commitment and only needs to last as long as it is beneficial for families.

5. Coordination of Care Is Essential

Home care often leads to what we call coordination of care. This system allows physicians, nurses, home care professionals and families to coordinate patient care seamlessly. Home care provides an excellent way to minimize disorganization and ensure everyone stays updated.

6. Family Caregivers Need Training, Too

Many family caregivers were thrown into their roles with no formal (or informal) training on how to care for their loved ones. Requesting home care is a way of learning more about the best ways to care for seniors. When your loved one needs a service you can't provide, home care also offers that extra support.

7. Home Care Isn't Just for Older Adults

All forms of long-term care are typically associated with older adult patients. However, services like home care are not exclusive to older folks. Anyone who needs specialized attention and help with the activities of daily living can benefit from home care.

8. Home Care Is Customizable

There are many types of home care, some encompassing medical services (also known as home health care) and others focusing on personal assistance. Depending on the patient's unique needs, a customized plan will be developed for their care. At Bidets Care, we start with scheduling “Living Room Visits,” during which we visit patients and families in their homes and discuss specific needs. From there, we create a tailored plan to bring them all the services they need and none they don't.

9. Home Care Clients Work with Registered Nurses

While working with registered nurses isn’t the industry standard, the team at Bidets Care is proud to offer this service. We stand apart from our competitors by giving patients consistent access to medical professionals who can put their minds at ease. Our nurse-led approach to care is instrumental in ensuring each patients gets the personalized services they need. Nurses can answer your questions every step of the way and work closely with home health aides. 

10. Home Care Reduces Loneliness 

Perhaps the biggest benefit of home care goes beyond physical health. Countless seniors report feelings of loneliness and may no longer be able to visit family and friends with ease. Fortunately, a professional caregiver can provide companionship and dispel feelings of isolation.

A wide range of services may be included within home care packages. The specifics will depend on your loved one’s needs and whether they require simple companion care or more complex skilled care delivered by a nurse. Here are some examples of services that could be provided by a professional caregiver or home care nurse:

Caregivers come in all forms, but John Hopkins Medicine  groups caregivers into two basic types: formal and informal. Here’s what you need to know about these kinds of caregiving:

  • Formal: Formal caregivers, like those provided by Bidets Care, are paid for their services and have specialized training in health or caregiving. 
  • Informal: Traditional family caregivers are considered informal caregivers. These people often provide services without payment and are usually related to the person they are caring for. They may complete a range of tasks for a loved one, such as transporting them to doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, housekeeping, and cooking.

Hospice care is a specialized form of medical support offered to individuals nearing the end of their lives. Patients are only eligible for hospice if a doctor has certified that they have six months or less to live, given the typical progression of their condition. Hospice services include pain and symptom management, emotional support and bereavement services. Hospice care offers no provisions for curative treatment.

With this definition in mind, we can also address this common question: What is hospice care at home? While hospice can be provided in a nursing home or hospital setting, it is most often given at a patient’s home. This allows them to live their final months in the peace and comfort of their own space.

Palliative care is like hospice but is not exclusive to patients with a life-limiting condition. This type of medical care focuses on relieving the symptoms and stress caused by a serious illness. It aims to improve quality of life by taking a holistic approach, focusing on physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Patients undergoing palliative care are welcome to try curative treatments beyond pain control and symptom management. While some providers offer care in hospitals or skilled nursing facilities, many patients opt to receive palliative care without leaving home.

If you’ve decided that home care is the best option for your loved one, you’ll need to start looking at home care providers in your area. The search can be overwhelming—it seems like there’s another agency on every street. Thankfully, choosing a provider (home care guide) does not have to be so stressful. Here are some tips for making a sound decision:

1. Assess Your Needs:

Think about the specific kinds of care your loved one will need. They may require lots of medical care, or they might only need a few hours of companion care per week.

2. Do Your Research:

Conduct in-depth research on home care providers in your area. Be sure your top choices have all the proper licenses and certifications.

3. Complete Background Checks: 

Reputable providers will have background checks on all their caregivers. Don't be afraid to ask about background checks and what methods are used to screen employees.

4. Take Note of Caregiver Training:

Inquire about the training and qualifications of the caregivers employed by the agency. Find out how supervision and performance management works.

5. Ask About Services:

Don't forget to ask exactly which services will be provided to your loved one. Each agency varies in what they offer, so it's crucial to find one that can accommodate your loved one's specific needs.

7. Ask for Recommendations:

Ask for recommendations from trusted sources, such as healthcare professionals, friends or family members who have experience with home care agencies. Some providers may offer references upon request.

8. Check Accreditations:

Reliable care providers should be accredited by recognized organizations.

Once your home care options are narrowed down to a few top choices, it’s time to compare their pros and cons. Before committing to a certain provider, make sure they check off all the following boxes:

The cost of 24-hour care at home varies depending on several factors, such as location and the specific services needed. Once you have your list of potential home care providers narrowed down, reach out to each option, and ask about expenses. Because of the huge differences in services, levels of care and insurance coverage, it’s impossible to accurately estimate your out-of-pocket costs.

If a senior meets certain eligibility requirements, Medicare may pay for home care services. Coverage varies, so be sure to consult your policy to learn more about the extent of your benefits. In general, here’s what Medicare covers:

Medicare Advantage, or Medicare Part C, does cover “in-home support services” and will pay for services provided to qualifying patients. For Medicare to pay for home care services, the patient’s doctor must deem that the patient needs medical care at home. If they satisfy this requirement, along with all the following, Medicare may pay for home health care. Patients should check their insurance benefits.

Fortunately for many, Medicare pays for most costs associated with home health care. However, it’s important to remember that some items may not be covered under Medicare. Medicare plans do not typically pay for:

While finding the right home care provider may seem stressful, the search is worth it in the long run. Home care offers a range of benefits to seniors who need help going about their daily activities. Although everyone has a different experience, many people report the following benefits:

1. A Sense of Independence:

Home care enables older folks to maintain a certain level of independence by continuing to live in the comfort of their own homes. Caregivers may assist with tasks such as bathing, dressing and meal preparation while still allowing their clients to do things for themselves.

2. Greater Comfort and Convenience:

Most of us feel most comfortable in our own homes. Allowing seniors to age in place means greater peace, security and convenience.

3. More Cost-Effective:

Residency in a nursing home is expensive. While home care may come with a few costs of its own, Medicare recipients will pay much less out of pocket than their counterparts in a nursing home.

4. Customizable:

Home care services can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, providing one-on-one attention that may not be available in a nursing home. Seniors and their families can choose from a slew of services based on their health conditions and doctor recommendations.

5. A Respite for Family Caregivers:

Burnout is common among family caregivers. Home health care gives these individuals a chance to take a break from responsibilities and prioritize their well-being.

6. Prevent Hospital Visits:

Per a study conducted by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), found that costs of care were lower for In-Home patients than for hospital inpatients ($5,081 vs. $7,480). The cost per patient day was 32percent lower for In-Home patients than for hospital inpatients, readmission rates were 42 percent for In-Home patients compared to 87 percent of hospital inpatients. Results were especially promising for patients diagnosed with heart failure, COPD, multiple sclerosis, lung cancer and seizure disorders.

Navigating home care is undoubtedly complex, and it’s normal to have questions along the way. Fortunately, Bidets Care has developed a  Home Care Planning Guide that can help you research providers and explore your loved one’s options. Don’t take on the challenge alone—allow us to guide you through the process of finding excellent home care. 

Looking for in-home care services for your loved one? Our experienced local care team members are ready to help. Find a location near you, contact us online, or call 463.206.2806 to speak with a local care expert and learn more about how Bidets Care offers Best Quality Care and Provide Joy in Everyday Moments®.